Top 5 Features to Look for in a Cloud Document Management System

Top 5 Features to Look for in a Cloud Document Management System

From dental offices to construction firms, many companies have moved away from hardcopy papers and migrated to electronic documents instead. But this new surge in digitization is creating another set of problems. These electronic files must now live somewhere, and the places in which they’re kept are often inconvenient and full of security loopholes.

Although businesses took a leap forward by eliminating paper, they also took a huge step back by not implementing an effective way to manage these digital files. That’s why we’re laying out the top 5 features to look for in a cloud document management system. By considering the following factors, you’ll be able to invest in a system that’s reliable, secure and easily accessible.

What is a cloud document management system?

First off, a document management system is like a virtual filing cabinet. It’s a place where your electronic files can live while offering a host of other helpful benefits. This system can track and manage thousands of documents, and even maintain a running log of when they were last accessed and edited. Another advantage of document management systems is that they come with a search feature, so users can locate files quickly and easily.

A cloud-based system, however, goes a step further in that it allows accessibility through the internet. Before the cloud arrived on the scene, companies were hosting document management software on their in-house servers. This created a lot of problems because employees had to be physically at the office to access important files. You can imagine how inconvenient this must be for teams that engage in a lot of off-site work. Cloud opens up access to any user, regardless of location — as long as they have internet. But of course, access is still only limited to employees with login credentials.

What features should you look for?

1. Unlimited storage space

Unless you’re a small home-based company, chances are you have thousands of electronic files ranging from client records to legal documents. Even though you may feel there’s still tons of usable space, file storage can quickly add up. That’s why it’s crucial to upgrade to unlimited storage. By investing a little more money up front, you’ll be able to run your business without constantly worrying about deleting files.

2. Security

A good cloud document management system will have a robust security component. Depending on a user’s role and responsibilities, they may not require access to certain documents. Some managers will not want these employees looking at sensitive info, like financial forecasts or details surrounding a company lawsuit. Be sure your cloud-based system offers varying levels of access to specific folders. In terms of overall security, password protection and two-step authentication are key to keeping hackers out of the database.

3. Version control

One of the greatest things about a document management system are the features to aid collaboration. Users can all log on simultaneously and make edits as needed. They can upload new changes, and even attach supporting documents. Version control eliminates any confusion as to which one is the correct version. It also allows teams to go back and re-visit prior versions, just in case they want to pull elements from there.

4. Mobile app

A high-quality mobile app will make access to the system even easier. Even though users can get into the system with an internet connection, a mobile app eliminates the need for clunky laptops and formal workspaces. The mobile app should allow employees to view content from both an iOS and Android smartphone or tablet. Additionally, once a document has been downloaded into the device a user can view it without an internet connection.

5. Integration

A document management system should integrate seamlessly with other systems you already use. There’s no point in investing in a virtual filing cabinet if it can’t ‘speak’ to surrounding components. Make sure your cloud-based system has the ability to make your overall operations smoother, not hinder it.

For more information on cloud-based document management systems, please call us at 800-719-9621 or submit a contact form by clicking the ‘Contact’ button below.

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